Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Upcoming talk

Thursday 3rd December

Rewriting History

A Critique of the Putin-Medvedev Approach

with Edward Lucas


Seen from the Kremlin, history is simple: the Soviet Union, with extraordinary sacrifice, liberated Europe from fascism and Europe should be grateful. Anyone who disagrees is a fascist. Stalin may have been bad in some ways, but he was an effective leader in difficult times. The Soviet Union had its flaws, but so do other countries. Criticism reflects double standards and jealousy of Russia's recovery.

This simplistic and triumphalist version of 20th-century history is the central plank in Russia's new ideology. Edward Lucas, a journalist and author who has been covering the region for more than 20 years, will show why it is not just mistaken but pernicious. The revival of Stalinist history is a threat to the countries of Eastern Europe--and a dreadful dead end for Russia.

Edward Lucas is the Central and Eastern Europe correspondent for The Economist. He has been covering the region for more than 20 years, witnessing the final years of the last Cold War, the fall of the Iron Curtain and the collapse of the Soviet empire, Boris Yeltsin's downfall and Vladimir Putin's rise to power. From 1992 to 1994, he was the managing editor of The Baltic Independent, a weekly English-language newspaper published in Tallinn. He holds a BSc from the London School of Economics, and studied Polish at the Jagiellonian University, Cracow. The New Cold War is his first book.

£5 Full / £3 Concession

Advance booking is recommended, tickets at the door subject to availability.

To book please call the Louise Blouin Foundation on 020 7985 9600, payment is required upon booking.


  1. A trailer for an interesting talk that utterly fails to even say what country the talk will occur in :D Unless I am being spectacularly blind...

  2. sorry, I thought the fact that tickets are priced in £ would indicate that it is in London. Sorry for the confusion. Edward

  3. here are the contact details

    The Louise Blouin Foundation
    3 Olaf Street
    W11 4BE
